Get in touch
Ramachandran Lab
Taub Institute, Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience
Lab: Black Building 1206/1208
Office: Black Building 1208D
Office Phone
Email: kvr2113 (at) cumc (dot) columbia (dot) edu
We are hiring!
The lab is seeking scientists who are highly motivated and are deeply creative. We encourage candidates who have backgrounds in genetics, genome and protein engineering, in vivo neurobiology, chemical biology, or biochemistry to apply. We have created a diverse and inclusive environment and we strive maintain a high level of rigor and reproducibility in our work. My job is to ensure that continues and to expand the neuroproteasome field. We are currently recruiting undergraduates, technicians, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. Please send Kapil your CV, references, and a brief description of what you would like to work on.